Sometimes life gets a little hectic. A little busy. Sometimes it is complete chaos. Sometimes our priorities fall out of balance for various reasons. A work deadline, a new baby, illness, conflict, or even just feeling the, sometimes dull, repetition of everyday life. When imbalance occurs, we can become disconnected from those that we love deepest: our children.
My Descent Into Pink
We knew my daughter was going to be a girl. From the time we found out I vowed that she would not be shrouded in ‘the pink’ that has taken over the clothing, toy and life choices of baby girls. I was not a fan. Let me also pause here and say I don’t hate pink. I myself own a …
Finding Joy Amidst The Daily Grind
Some days my heart feels heavy. I feel the weight of daily tasks. I’m not talking about when I have lots of chores, errands or appointments. Some days it’s just the simple, repetitive things that weigh me down. A part of me feels like this is absurd because deep down I’m always incredibly thankful for my life, my health and …
Mama Guilt
Mama guilt. It’s the worst. I’m learning that it takes a significant amount of intentional thinking and some very deliberate actions to reject it. There are days when I feel this ridiculous guilt - completely misplaced, unconstructive guilt - for things like not going to parks every day or sewing with my five year old or for not doing more …
Hold Me With Both Arms: My Story of Bringing Home a New Sibling
When my son was born I cried. The moment he arrived I loved him the way I loved his sister when I first held her nearly 4 years earlier. My daughter did remarkably well with the birth of her brother. She adored him. She held him and kissed him endlessly and tucked her stuffed animals in with him. I had …
8 Things I’ve Learned in 4 Years of Bedsharing
1. It’s safe. When my oldest was born, we set up a crib right next to my side of the bed. I loved the idea of snuggling up together at night, but I wasn’t sure whether it was safe. I started poring over the research.
Why the Chores Can Wait
“Mama! Hey mama! Do you wanna play with me?” her 3 year old asks as she tugs on her mama’s pant legs. “In a minute sweetie. I need to finish these dishes.” “Mama! Mama! Chase me!” She says with excitement. “In a minute. I have to get this done.” “Mama! Mama!” she tugs on mama’s shirt. “Can I help?” “Maybe …
Inconvenient Meltdowns - How To Stay Calm
We know that when our children lose it, really lose it, to the point where they have practically ZERO control over their emotions and are beyond distressed, that they need our support and understanding. I find it relatively easy to stay calm and support our poppet during a huge meltdown when we’re at home and have the luxury of not …
This is it: How I Became an Attachment Parent
My mum once told me she thinks parents today research too much. I respectfully disagreed with her. I don’t think most parents research enough. I read and research about parenting A LOT, more than anything else. After my daughter was born I realized this was going to be the most important job of my life. This. This is it.
Trust Those Instincts, Mama
When our eldest daughter was born five years ago, I wish someone - anyone - had said to trust my instincts. To go with my heart. Instead, maternal health nurses, well meaning friends, family and random strangers, all had a zillion different pieces of advice. Overwhelming much?! Exactly. Being a first time mum, a big part of me felt like …