Dear Daughter,
May your heart feel my love with you always.
May you feel courageous, even if you’re standing on your own or defending the weak.
May you trust your instincts.
May you watch how your Daddy treats me and settle for nothing less.
May you choose your friends with care.
May those you love, deserve that piece of your heart you give them.
May you dance and walk and run to your own tune.
May you feel free to smile, laugh, cry or rage.
May you always seek truth, compassion and love.
May you know, truly know, how beautiful, worthy and spectacular you are.
You are all of 5 and some days we get lost.
Lost in your big emotions.
Lost in the things that cause your heart pain, the things that panic and terrify you.
You shout and kick and scream.
You desperately try to control and perfect everything that’s falling apart around you.
You cling to us, the people that represent safety, love and security.
You are overwhelmed and scared and struggling.
You desperately want to know peace and joy and calm in your world.
These great big fears, panics and feelings are only now.
Only this moment in time.
They are real, but they are not you.
They do not define you.
They do not determine your life’s path.
May you feel hope.
May the morning’s sunrise delight your heart.
May you trust and believe.
May you know you are a gift.
The depth and intensity of you, is a gift.
May you feel my love with you always.
May you carry it with you always.
It is now and always.
It is eternal.