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How Santa Fits In With Authentic Parenting

My views regarding Santa have mellowed. I used to be pretty fixed in my anti-santa stance. These days I think I’m a little more balanced. I once viewed the whole Santa thing as nothing short of deception and manipulation. A time where it’s suddenly ok to send weird and contradictory messages to children… “Yes, go sit on that unfamiliar, strange …

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8 great rhyming books for toddlers & preschoolers

Rhyming books are a fun way for toddlers and preschoolers to experiment with sounds, words, and language as a whole. But as any parent knows, finding a book a toddler likes is the easy part. Finding one that an adult can enjoy reading again and again can be a more challenging task. Below are eight great rhyming books that kids …

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Home Made Gift Kits For Kids

Sensory Play Kit Even as an adult I love sensory play activities! Imagine delving your hands into a whole tub of water beads, styrofoam balls, coloured rice, scented cloud dough and of course some good old regular play dough. Lego Travel Kit This is the perfect kit all ready to take travelling, to a cafe or just for at home …

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Leave the Small Talk at the Playroom Door

I have a confession. I hate small talk. I am seriously inept at it and I just do not enjoy it. Does anybody enjoy it? How’s the weather? What’s going on with you this week? Give me a passionate, authentic conversation any day but small talk makes me cringe. If I feel the way I do about small talk, I …

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Holiday Gift Guide

The holidays are fast approaching and the season of gift buying, giving and receiving is under way. Ultimately you can’t control what people buy for you or your kids but many (thoughtful) people ask for ideas of what your kids may want. And you do have control over what stays in your home. All of us here generally have a …

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You Are Enough

When you haven’t been able to get groceries, and settled for cereal for dinner. Remember, you are enough. When laundry is piled high, you haven’t showered in days, and you feel like you are drowning in a to do list. Remember, you are enough. When your child is struggling and yells at you to “go away.” Remember, you are enough. …

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Why My Kids Don’t Have To Hug Grandpa

Holidays, Christmas, family catch ups, a myriad of functions and festivities.  A gazillion opportunities for your child to find themselves in the uncomfortable situation of some great old aunt demanding a hug or a kiss. Adults have mastered the not so ideal art of behaving falsely…Of presenting a bit of a facade… Of at times going through social motions they …

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Anxiety in Children

There’s nothing worse than when our children are hurt or suffering. It’s inevitable they will experience pain, grief and disappointment. It goes to a whole new level of “hard” when our kids suffer from heightened anxiety.  It’s distressing and, at times, heartbreaking for both parents and children. It is essential that our parenting tool box so to speak is well …

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The Not So Zen Bedtime

My daughter still needs me to fall asleep. I’m ok with that. I really am. I try and cherish the moments lying next to her tiny-huge body while she shifts and scratches and her breathing changes as she drifts off to sleep. Some nights I am successful, and others, well…I’m still working on it. My stress is usually due to …

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A Homemade Holiday: Awesome DIY Ornaments

‘Tis the season for creating warm memories and beautiful crafts! I have such fond memories of ornaments as a child. Bringing out the boxes with salt dough, paper plate creations, glitter and glue. Each one was a reminder of how much time had passed and all of the experiences held in that timeframe. I hope to give my own kids …